Monday, August 9, 2010

What's Coming Up

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It’s T minus 17 days until Southern Girls Conference! I have been looking forward to this for over a year. I’ve maintained unwavering faith that, against the odds, SGC would happen this year. I was shocked to find out that we wouldn’t get all the money we needed from our usual donor, but I knew we’d get it somewhere. Fortunately just in the nick of time (about a month ago), some noble women from the Loomis church I grew up in, offered to take up the cause and help me raise the money. It definitely would not be happening if it were not for them. Their initiative to raise the money stateside has taken a huge burden off of me. Aside from the financial support they are providing, they have renewed my confidence in the project at a time when I was feeling very alone in organizing the whole thing. I had been feeling like many people were telling me that it was a great initiative, and they were willing to provide ideas for what I ought to do, but they weren’t willing to contribute money, time or effort. It’s a lot of work to bring 50 selected girls from 8 different villages to one place, feed them, look after them for four days and send them back. Organizing this has been one of the hardest things I’ve ever done, but I know I’m going to be grinning ear to ear when it’s actually happening.

After the conference, I’ve got some much needed vacation time to look forward to! I’ll be heading North to a village in Owamboland to attend a former colleague’s wedding. It’s a two-day extravaganza and the bride’s mother has even sewn traditional dresses for Debbie (the other PCV who will be attending) and I to wear at the event. “Know one will even be able to tell we’re not Oshiwambo!” I joked to the bride. I can’t wait to see a traditional wedding and try the food and try to keep up with the dancing!

A few weeks after that, my father will be coming for a visit. I cannot even begin to say how excited I am for that. Not only do I just adore my dad and spending time with him, I can’t wait to show him Namibia and be able to show him all of the things I am trying (and feel like I am failing) to explain to my friends and family at home. Namibia is a complex, fascinating, and beautiful country that I can’t wait to share with my Dad. We’re going to rent a car and I’ll finally get to go up to some of the places in Namibia, Zambia and Botswana I’ve never been able to access before.

This year is going to finish out much better than it started. I have so much to look forward to and it great to wake up every morning and think, “the best is yet to come!”

1 comment:

  1. I had no idea Dad was coming to visit! That will be amazing - have a blast. I can't wait to hear all the stories that will, I'm sure, make me laugh for a long time (cue the image of him bubbling towards the surface while scuba-diving)

    Loved to see your blog updates :)
